3D Artists Reporting Back

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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by Finis »

Too much work now. I'm ready for my Winter break.

Steinie I'll email you soon to arrange details. This variety is yucca elata. https://www.gardenia.net/plant/yucca-elata Once established yuccas are almost indestructible. Yucca don't care. It just don't care. I have read that it is difficult to start them from seed and seen extensive procedures for that. I noticed that there are none at higher altitude. I looked around the hang glider launch at 7000 ft but found none. Similar sotol plants thrive there. The record cold in town was -14F plus cold days around that one. That killed some palms but no effect on yuccas. Typically freezing means teens or twenties here. Native habitat dry, warm, sunny so best like Spacekdet said.

This variety has sharp edged leaves and points but no danger like Spanish bayonet variety. Noted as toxic to pets and horses. I've seldom seen any that were eaten (suspect deer or gemsbok did it) and have heard of no instances of pet trouble.

Spacekdet how is the water from the new well? Funny taste still there? Testing done?
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by Finis »

bitkar wrote: 06 Sep 2023, 09:40 All American Fest motorbike and culture festival featuring mainly Harley Davidsons in CZ:
https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/ekonomika/au ... 47ab5f122/
All those happy people! Here's the one I need: Image
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by Finis »

I worked at the Baby Rescue location today. Police again. A patrol car, a K-9 unit, and a service aide car (semi-police helpers) arrived two houses away. Two officers went to the door. Later they had a female with her hands handcuffed behind her at the patrol car. They put her in the car and all left.
If you want to get a narrative established, the crucial thing is to pepper it with errors, questionable things. So that the critics will seize on those and not question the basic narrative. -- Richard Lindzen
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by Finis »

Neighbors wrapped around half of the block have joined the super lights display. This year it became an event with many visitors, home owners in costume greeting people, and the nearby radio station giving popcorn and cocoa.


I tried my new TG-5 camera. Filmed in 4K video. Edited in Davinci Resolve and downscaled to 1440P for smaller upload file size and since most of it is blurry anyway. It took 3 hours to upload this 4GB to Vimeo.

Auto focus in movie mode didn't work well in these conditions so much is blurry but I think it captures the scale and festivity.

I'll quit Vimeo soon. Go to the free plan and stop uploading there. Probably start using Rumble.
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by Finis »

My super interesting adventures :roll: are the only ones worth reporting lately?

The electricity was out in a large area. Maybe the whole town so I went outside to see the stars.

Lit candles. Tried the new camera. Automatic setting.
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by bitkar »

Great idea in case of a blackout! and i guess stars must be great to watch in the desert... maybe even make a photo of them.
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by MikomDude »

Been away for a while. Had a burn-out. Now have a new job at Amazon :? here in the Hague. Still nice to have a stable job instead of freelance.
Also broke up with my girlfriend of the last 5 years so found a new flat last year which I had to renovate for a while.
All settled in now and things are going well. Still work on some smaller projects now and then. :bananatyping:
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by bitkar »

great to have you back and hear things are looking good now.

Iam sick, have some kind of covid/flu for the second (!) time in a short time. First had fevers during the end of a year (christmas to new years eve) and now again... Its annoying as hell. Take a good care of yourselves gentlemen.
Michal aka bitkar
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by Finis »

Get well Bitkar. Stay well.

Mikom is here! Sorry about your trouble but good it's going well now. For me the freedom of self employment means there is no going back to a regular job. It is tempting though. I think the stability, security, and if any the simplicity of a regular job will be refreshing for you. Like a vacation.
If you want to get a narrative established, the crucial thing is to pepper it with errors, questionable things. So that the critics will seize on those and not question the basic narrative. -- Richard Lindzen
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Re: 3D Artists Reporting Back

Post by MikomDude »

Hope you feel better Bitkar.

...and yes the new job is for sure easier than freelance. Bit also a bit boring. haha, I may still do some freelance on the side once I feel up to it.
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