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Re: luxrender

Posted: 15 Sep 2010, 10:29
by DanX
Well I don't like long render times but I have found that having more power has made me weak when it comes to setting up my renders. I seem to waste a lot of system resources that realy don't help my final image that much. But that comes from my inexperience with the software I am working with.

I plan to play around with blender if I ever get time but for now I just need to study the software I have.

Re: luxrender

Posted: 20 Sep 2013, 12:30
by bitkar
what a shame nothing moved in this topic :-/ I saw it today again after so long and it still cant import other than its own native scene files and we still have no exporter. It can use openCL, so can be pretty fast for an unbiased renderer.

Re: luxrender

Posted: 28 Feb 2014, 13:32
by lrdsatyr8
Any word yet on a plugin for this renderer?? It's now 2014! :)

Re: luxrender

Posted: 01 Jul 2015, 08:36
by bitkar
2015 :D :(

Re: luxrender

Posted: 22 May 2018, 09:52
by bitkar
2018 :( ya, but other projets like yafaray are on the way... still a bit shame.

Re: luxrender

Posted: 17 Jul 2018, 17:32
nope not a shame!
Shame is you dont read my posts correctly!!!!
Here is a hint! Its in the general discussions and it starts with nu...!😏