Namdax (2001), prerendered game graphics

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Namdax (2001), prerendered game graphics

Post by Poikilos »

This is a 2.5D game with prerendered graphics and 3D hit detection. I made it during college but it was not for an assignment. The 3D position determines the size of the sprite. It isn't as interesting nor useful to program as you may think. I've begun redoing the graphics but they aren't online yet. I think all of these may have been done in trueSpace 5.2, but I'm sure the closeup (Extra-dimensional Creature A) was rendered in 5.2. The creature has wings on his head for steering and a jetpack for propulsion. The creature is based on a Kobold or Cobalt spirit being. I hope to remake the game with different graphics and more storytelling and call it Namdax. I originally named the game to use a popular Google search term, dxman (it is an executable file related to DirectX), which was a bad idea. The theme is that aliens are really angels and demons, and not merely extraterrestrial lifeforms.

The game was never really finished but you can play through it here:
  • The source code for the engine and game are available via GitHub. See links at the bottom of the dxman page above.
  • The main bug is with background music, so I removed it by default. You can play the soundtrack here: ... soundtrack
  • The closeup of the flying creature is only for showing the details and doesn't represent the in-game graphics. The game is not really very 3D looking at all. The backgrounds are static photos from morguefile.
  • The crash site (field with ditch) image is made using trueSpace but is heavily edited in GIMP for coloration and to make the grass look like it is hanging over the side. Other photos are edited in GIMP for colors and small alterations.
I wanted to learn DirectX to make 3D games, but Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus by Andrew LaMothe is a useless waste of time. The book instructs you do use straight C and program your own engine. I never even got to 3D. I made a 2D game but it was difficult to maintain due to the useless optimizations that only apply to 1990s computers. Use Godot, Unreal Engine, or even Unity instead of making your own engine and you will be more likely to ever actually make a useful game as you imagine it.

3D Modeling and Animation
Jake Gustafson (Poikilos)

Photographic background for closeup
tony7 at

Additional Photo Backgrounds (various)
flyer-right.jpg (17.11 KiB) Viewed 1527 times
hero0000.jpg (7.32 KiB) Viewed 1527 times
gamescreen0002.jpg (38.67 KiB) Viewed 1527 times
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